Hotel choice habits of the Hungarian generations, in particular the digital natives, alongside sustainability and digitalization
conscious consumer, tourism, environmental protection, digitalizationAbstract
Green and digital travellers will soon become greatest challenges for the hospitality industry. On the one hand, more and more travellers are aware of environmental and social impacts of their holiday, whilst, on the other hand, digital solutions support and influence our everyday life to an extent never seen before. The introduction of digital solutions can become to a significant opportunity for the hospitality industry, as they can communicate with potential and actual guests via their own devices. New technologies facilitate two-way dialogue between the parties, ensuring personalised communication and the fast flow of information – together with a significant decrease in printing costs. This and similar green solutions are preferred by a growing number of travellers, as a reaction of the intensifying awareness of climate change. The impact of Covid19 also emphasised the importance of sustainability. However, the contradiction between feeling comfortable and being green needs to be resolved by the joint efforts of guests and the hospitality industry. To understand the current situation in Hungary and identify the expectations of travellers, we conducted an online questionnaire among the Hungarian travellers. The expectations and feedback from the guests’ side are evaluated.
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