E-WOM on online booking interfaces – a comparative analysis of online travel agencies’ guest rating systems


  • Gergely Horváth University of Pécs
  • Judit Poór Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences




e-tourism, OTA, guest satisfaction, e-WOM, guest reviews


Recent profound, fundamental changes in the field of information technology have led to a similar change in consumer habits – a feature which also applies to tourism. In the e-world, consumers’ search for information and their communication habits have clearly changed; we are living in the era of a communicational paradigm shift. Today online travel agencies (OTAs) are not only the dominant channels for bookings and sales, but also optimal channels for information gathering and guidance in accommodation-related matters. Some of the information on OTA sites is objective, whilst much is subjective – the latter generated by consumer experiences and opinions. This subjective information concerning accommodation is directly provided by guest reviews on the OTA pages. This study aims to compare the guest evaluation systems of domestic and international OTA sites, in terms of authenticity, scale, the criteria applied, the possibilities of guest evaluations broken down by target groups. In addition, it presents OTA guest ratings of two accommodation establishments of the same category – located in the same destination – on a case-by-case basis, seeking an answer to the question of how consistent the results – as a whole and in terms of criteria – are for the consumer making the decision.


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How to Cite

Horváth, G., & Poór, J. (2022). E-WOM on online booking interfaces – a comparative analysis of online travel agencies’ guest rating systems. Turizmus Bulletin, 22(1), 4–12. https://doi.org/10.14267/TURBULL.2022v22n1.1


