The role of Hungary in Bloom and the Entente Florale Europe in destination marketing – the Veszprém case study


  • Katalin Lőrincz University of Pannonia
  • Éva Kruppa-Jakab University of Pannonia
  • Renáta Szabó University of Pannonia



Hungary in Bloom, Entente Florale Europe, horticultural contest, Veszprém, destination marketing


In 2017, on the Silver Jubilee of the horticultural competition Hungary in Bloom, the city of Veszprém was awarded the first prize from more than 300 contestants in the category of cities with a 50,000+ population. In September 2018 Veszprém was awarded the Gold prize of the Entente Florale Europe and was also given the special President’s Award for the Restoration of a Public Open Space when the results were announced in Ireland. This case study examines the impact of the preparation work and participation in the contests Hungary in Blooom and Entente Florale Europe on destination marketing and the city image by means of an analysis of Hungarian and international literature. We also employed structured interviews with the specialists responsible for Veszprém’s competitive concept. Further, the results of our research display the future vision of Veszprém and offer best practice advice to communities, which are considering entering the horticultural contest.


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How to Cite

Lőrincz, K., Kruppa-Jakab, Éva, & Szabó, R. (2020). The role of Hungary in Bloom and the Entente Florale Europe in destination marketing – the Veszprém case study. Turizmus Bulletin, 20(1), 44–54.


