”Fine words, good deeds?” An examination of CSR values and activities of the top green hotels in Paris


  • Katalin Ásványi Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Hager Chaker Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Ákos Varga Corvinus University of Budapest




CSR, sustainability, hotels, value-action gap, guest review


The purpose of this study is to compare the CSR content of hotel websites and guest reviews. Our research results outline the difference between the CSR activity of hotels and actual consumer experience – the so-called value-action gap (VAG). The survey conducted was of the top 10 green hotels in Paris, as listed by TripAdvisor. By means of content analysis, we studied information on CSR as displayed on hotel websites, and we then examined a total of 8974 reviews by guests on TripAdvisor, 156 of which concern CSR. The results of the research show that hotels inform guests on their websites of their CSR activities in varying degrees of detail. The comments relating to the CSR categories were mainly positive, but not all CSR topics were covered. The results of this research can contribute seriously to building CSR strategy for hotels.


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How to Cite

Ásványi, K., Chaker, H., & Varga, Ákos. (2020). ”Fine words, good deeds?” An examination of CSR values and activities of the top green hotels in Paris. Turizmus Bulletin, 20(1), 4–14. https://doi.org/10.14267/TURBULL.2020v20n1.1


