Jorcajts and Shabbats – the spread and social impact of Jewish religious tourism in Tokaj-Hegyalja
tourism product, Jewish religious tourism, social impact, Tokaj-HegyaljaAbstract
The relics of Jewish people who lived in Tokaj-Hegyalja between t he 18 th and the mid- 20th centuries still remain. Cemeteries, the graves of Wonder Rabbis and synagogues are of huge impor tance. From the 1970s onwards American and Israeli religious tourists visiting the region have revived the Wonder Rabbi my th. Statistics show an annual rise in the number of Jewish religious tourists, which has noe reached 20,0 0 0 on average on the occasion of the anniversar y of the Wonder Rabbis’ death. Jewish religious tourism is managed b y A merican a nd I sraeli o rganisers a nd is coordinated i n B udapest. However, the lack of accommodation has prompted them to star t a programme of real estate acquisition. This has generated social tensions due to the resulting high proper ty prices. Religious tourists are accommodated in these houses, whilst local residents and entrepreneurs are provided with work oppor tunities. Other possibilities include developing the tourism infrastructure and providing kosher meals from locally produced or grown ingredients. Thanks to organisers’ ef fective marketing activities, Tokaj-Hegyalja has become an impor tant destination of international Jewish religious tourism.
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