Case studies on demand and supply analysis of rural gastronomic festivals in Hungary’s Southern Great Plain
rural gastronomic festival, stakeholders, supply-demand analysis, Southern Great Plain NUTS 2 regionAbstract
The significance of gastronomic festivals is increasing both worldwide and in Hungary. Despite their role in settlement and tourism development, related scientific studies are less common, especially in the case of rural gastronomic festivals. We study their characteristics and demand–supply analysis by applying a case study approach in Hungary’s Southern Great Plain. We explore the roles and impacts of various stakeholders (organisers, local visitors and tourists) in shaping tourist demand and supply in our qualitative study. Due to a large supply of gastronomic festivals and to the continuously changing demands of their target groups, their organisers face a renewal crisis. For this reason, strategic planning with greater community participation is called for. Without this, the hosting of rural gastronomic festivals will probably lead to conflicts.
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