Mapping one-day trip destinations through photography uploaded on social media – analyzing and comparing the Balaton-felvidék and Dunakanyar regions
social media, Flickr, Instagram, Balatonfelvidék, Dunakanyar, visitor measurementsAbstract
The aim of this study is to present through tourist photography the digital traces of excursions to two Hungarian tourism regions, the Balaton-felvidék (Northern Balaton region) and the Dunakanyar (Danube Bend), deducing statistically relevant data on patterns of freetime usage. The methodology used can gather data on the tourism-related consumption of visitors who did not use registered accommodation, usually on one-day trips, excursions, or sleeping in their own weekend houses. These “invisible” types of visits are hard to measure with other statistical methods. The images retrieved from social media sites tell much about the most hidden motivations of visitors and reveal the secondary attractions not listed in mainstream tourism statistics. The images analysed already contain geotags containing the exact location where the pictures were taken, and so a complete mapping of the demand side of tourism and its spatial system can be made. The methodology allowed us to measure the proportion of visitors from Budapest among all those to these regions and to map the differences in spatial behavior of visitors from the capital and foreign tourists, but also of weekend house owners in the regions. We could also measure the importance of different tourism-related activities and of gastronomy.
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