Is the situation warming up? The effects of climate change shown by three Hungarian tourist destinations


  • Kornél Németh University of Pannonia
  • Tamás Czira Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Attila Sütő Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
  • Rita Domjánné Nyizsalovszki Eszterházy Károly University
  • Erzsébet Péter University of Pannonia



climate impacts, tourism, climate change adaptation, destination responses


Current changes in the weather are having a noticeable impact not only on the environment, but also on the human body and on social and economic processes. Although the situation generated by the coronavirus pandemic has temporarily overshadowed discussion of the effects of climate change on tourism, the topic has not lost its relevance. The involvement of the sector in the issue is unarguable. Its operation is based on attractions with particular geographical locations, most of which are linked to certain weather conditions. In the present study we examine the visible effects of climate change which also generate changes, and we discuss the issue of climate adaptation at local/regional level by involving certain supply-side players in the Hungarian tourism sector. As our studies suggest, the “losers” and “winners” of the processes are difficult to separate, but a broad analysis of destination-level climate adaptation issues is both vital and urgent in the tourism sector.


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How to Cite

Németh, K., Czira, T., Sütő, A., Domjánné Nyizsalovszki, R., & Péter, E. (2020). Is the situation warming up? The effects of climate change shown by three Hungarian tourist destinations. Turizmus Bulletin, 20(4), 28–36.


