The impact of border tourism projects between Hungary and Serbia on the tourism development of Vojvodina
Southern region, Vojvodina, Serbia, border, tourism projectsAbstract
The aim of the present research is to examine the results and impacts of the cross-border tourism projects that were implemented under the Serbian-Hungarian relationship within the period of the European Union support between 2014 and 2020. Our research was carried out partly with the help of literature research and partly with that of interviews with the managers of major projects related to the tourism products of the region. The research revealed how and to what extent the goals and results set by these projects help the tourism development of Vojvodina. The research showed that although there was no outstanding development in the settlements affected by the projects, without EU funds development would have been smaller. For smaller settlements, tourism resources were definitely an alternative for development, and the supported projects had a significant impact on the life of the micro-community of each settlement, on the establishment of closer cooperation.
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