3S Traveling – Tourism in the post-Covid19 era
design concept, design communication, Covid-19, tourism safetyAbstract
The global Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 became a common feature determining the nations’ everyday life. In our paper, we theoretically created a device, a bracelet that presents the importance of health security and touch-free contacts during travel in the future from the perspective of two determining segments – business and youth tourism – and their participants. The basic idea of the new device is taken from the design concept of B-bridge souvenir which is an object that can help tourists both in active and inactive modes. In its active mode, it provides several services to tourists arriving in Budapest, while in its inactive mode it serves as a souvenir recalling good memories. The result of our research is the 3S (standing for Safe, Secure, and Smart) concept, based on the method of design communication and emphasizes the health security of tourists in the post-Covid19 era. The 3S concept has a significant role in terms of future traveling since it can strengthen the trust of travelers to Budapest in the destination.
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