Party time? – What makes Budapest District VII attractive for domestic consumers?
overtourism, experience, genius loci, party district, repositioningAbstract
The party tourism and overtourism phenomena characteristic of Budapest, District VII, prior to the Covid19 pandemic, in early 2020, fell silent almost overnight. The relaunch raises a number of questions regarding “how to continue”. The starting-point of the present study is the theoretical overview of overtourism and the experience, as well as the genius loci that can be interpreted as a possible factor of the latter. Our research question focuses on what makes Budapest District VII for leisure consumers and for domestic travelers, segmented by generations, attractive? To answer our question, we used narrative analysis to help us gain a deeper understanding of the experience that consumers find memorable and identify the genius loci of the district. Based on the narratives, District VII has historical, cultural, artistic and social values that make it possible to identify a genius loci that is specifically linked to the area and makes it unique to all generations of consumers.
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Internetes források
PINKE-SZIVA I. (2021): A bulinegyed után is van élet: így alakulhat át Budapest a túlturizmus és a nullturizmus sokkja után., Letöltve: 2021. március 26.