Factors influencing attitudes related to smart hotels: Focus on Generation Z


  • Zsófia Cserdi Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Zsófia Kenesei Corvinus University of Budapest




smart hotel, smart services, touchless technologies


For hotels, the integration of technology into the service process has become a necessity considering the trends of recent years. However, there can be huge differences in the level of applied technological solutions in hotels, which can take over the role of personal service in a traditionally interaction-based sector. As a direct consequence of the phenomenon, due to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, to reduce human contact and reassure hotel guests, there may be an even greater need for smart services, including touchless technologies (QIANTING et al. 2021). Accordingly, in our research, we examined factors influencing attitudes towards smart hotels using high-level technologies. Content analysis was carried out using both qualitative and quantitative elements among the potential representatives of Generation Z’s future tourism demand.


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How to Cite

Cserdi, Z., & Kenesei, Z. (2021). Factors influencing attitudes related to smart hotels: Focus on Generation Z. Turizmus Bulletin, 21(4), 25–33. https://doi.org/10.14267/TURBULL.2021v21n4.3


