Analysing the tourism career perspectives under the shadow of Covid19 – the perceptions of Tourism and Management MSc students


  • Katalin Formádi University of Pannonia
  • Petra Gyurácz-Németh University of Pannonia



Covid19, work orientation, career perspectives


The aim of the research is to investigate the career perspectives of the Tourism and Management MSc students in the tourism sector, which was impacted by the Covid19 pandemic. Additionally, our goal was to analyse the differences between the perceptions of the first year and senior MSc students, concentrating on work orientation and working conditions – and to gain information about their past professional experience as well as their future plans. Three focus group interviews were held, concentrating on the research goals. First year Master students’ opinions were more positive than those of senior Master students towards tourism jobs. The most important motivational factors are financial rewards and professional appreciation as well as the challenges, variable tasks and flexible schedule. Students seem to be fond of the tourism profession, they have a positive inclination to tourism jobs. The results also show that first year MSc students are more dedicated to tourism jobs, although they are also concerned about the effect of the pandemic, whilst senior MSc students are doubtful about working in tourism.


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How to Cite

Formádi, K., & Gyurácz-Németh, P. (2021). Analysing the tourism career perspectives under the shadow of Covid19 – the perceptions of Tourism and Management MSc students. Turizmus Bulletin, 21(4), 14–24.


