Research paradigms for restaurant management worldwide in Covid19 – Systematic literature review and a conceptional framework


  • János Debreceni Budapest Business School
  • Zsófia Fekete-Frojimovics Budapest Business School



hospitality, resilience, crisis management, sustainability


The coronavirus pandemic has caused an unprecedented challenge to tourism and hospitality operators worldwide. Coping with the crisis led to the transformation of the enterprises’ business models and to mandatory adaptation by guests. A number of studies of the restaurant industry have been published in the international scientific literature. The aim of the present study is, on the one hand, to systematize the epistemological approaches (corporate theories, marketing, consumer behavior, and organizational behavior) emerging in the latest literature, thus helping to examine the impact of the pandemic on hospitality. On the other hand, it offers the interpretation of a research framework for hospitality SMEs, including variables such as planned and adaptive resilience, financial performance, sustainable tourism development and satisfaction with state aid.


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How to Cite

Debreceni, J., & Fekete-Frojimovics, Z. (2021). Research paradigms for restaurant management worldwide in Covid19 – Systematic literature review and a conceptional framework. Turizmus Bulletin, 21(4), 5–13.


