Changing mobility behaviour during the Covid19 pandemic
tourism, Covid19 pandemic, mobility habits, focus group interviews, questionnaireAbstract
The Covid19 outbreak has led to a significant recession in the tourism sector. The recovery from the crisis, in addition to the restrictive measures, is also heavily influenced by the attitudes of society. Based on this, our research team aimed to explore changes in social attitudes towards different modes of transport and tourism-related consumption. To achieve this, data collection in two phases: qualitative (6 focus group interviews) and quantitative representative (n=3025) surveys were conducted. Focus group interviews indicated that domestic tourism will be stronger until the Covid19 pandemic is over, but a quick recovery of international tourism is expected afterwards. The survey revealed cautious, risk-averse attitude among the respondents. A significant proportion of subjects reported that they would be more careful about hygiene during travel, even when the pandemic is over. With this mind, transport and tourism services may need to rethink (e.g., empty middle seats on flights, health checks, epidemic prevention by different tourism service providers) to ensure the recovery of the sector.
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Internetes források
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