Examining consumer behaviour through a new type of tourism service
experience, performance perception, recommendation, temporary illusions, Flight to nowhere, transportAbstract
Tight restrictions due to the Covid19 pandemic have forced some tourist services to new, alternative programmes. In our research, we examined what effects on consumers can be observed in respect of a new type of service.The service was named ”Flight to nowhere”, which meant air travel within the borders of Hungary.In our research we carried out an analysis of the experiences of the participants during the event by means of a questionnaire (completed by the 130 people who participated in the programme) on their evaluation of the performance of the service and on whether they would recommend the programme. We also examined the effects of the mental stress problems related to confinement caused by the Covid19 pandemic. The results that respondents typically experienced are esthetic and escapist ones. A higher level of experience increased the perception of high performance and the intention to recommend. In the case of negative emotions, which measured the sense of continuity of life, living escapist-type experiences could alleviate the disadvantages caused by confinement only to a limited extent.
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