Hiking in the Pilis and Visegrád Hills: the problem of access
hiking, sustainable tourism, visitor management, public transport networkAbstract
The growing popularity of hiking has been boosted by the Covid19 epidemic worldwide. The largest increases in visitor numbers and thus pollution have been in the so-called one-day destinations, mostly in the peri-urban areas, and travel by car has also increased. The results of a questionnaire survey in the Pilis Biosphere Reserve, which included a visitor census, show, among other things, that good public transport connections are not an important factor for the more well-known sites, and that many people choose to travel by car. The increasing proportion of visitors arriving by private car leads to both damage to natural assets and conflicts with locals. These growing problems call for a rethink of visitor management tools, a review of the destination’s accessibility and internal transport system, comprising overall mobility planning which prioritises the interests of natural assets and local communities.
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