Analysis of pilgrimages from the cultural sustainability perspective – The case of Japan
pilgrimage, religious tourism, sustainable pilgrimage, cultural sustainabilityAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyse the sustainability of Japanese pilgrimages from the perspective
of culture. The reason for choosing Japan is the people’s special connection with nature. This can
also be witnessed in the practice of religious tourism, especially with regard to cultural sustainability.
To illustrate this, a brief presentation of the country’s religious tourism provides the theoretical
background, including a discussion of the special role of the tree. To this end, Japan’s view of
sustainability and its unique approach to passing on cultural knowledge are explained through the
example of the Ise shrine. The study uses the method of document analysis, processing a significant
number of Japanese research within international sources, thus providing the paper with a solid
authentic base. The study aims to present a practice that brings a new perspective to the topic of
cultural heritage, authenticity and sustainability as well as offering a viable solution to the case in
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