Culture as a tool for territorial development – Focus on the Barn Programme


  • Júlia Tobak University of Pannonia
  • Eszter Németh University of Pannonia
  • Boglárka Szultos University of Pannonia



culture, regional development, European Capital of Culture, local community


Today, access to culture has an important role in the quality of life. Regular cultural consumption results
in vibrant, pulsating places being attractive both to locals and visitors. Accordingly, local decisionmakers put great emphasis on making cultural services that raise the image and competitiveness
of cities and regions accessible to all. The “Pajta Program” (Barn Programme), implemented in
the framework of the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture (ECoC) programme,
aimed to make local cultural events accessible and building community. The study is based on
the outcomes of semi-structured interviews with stakeholders. Its main objective was to map the
impacts of the programme and to identify the strengths and weaknesses of this type of local cultural
development. According to the results of the research, the program has had a positive impact on
the area, strengthening existing processes and opening up new perspectives and opportunities for
local community life. The implications of this study give input for policy makers cocerning this type
of development tool, valuable information for local stakeholders about how to boost local culture
and local community. For local communities, including residents and service providers, the research
identifies opportunities for involvement.


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Internetes források

GIDA B. (2022): Veszprém-Balaton 2023: Magyarország új kulturális-kreatív régiója. magyarorszag-uj-kulturalis-kreativ-regioja/ Letöltve: 2024. március 18.




How to Cite

Tobak, J., Németh, E., & Szultos, B. (2024). Culture as a tool for territorial development – Focus on the Barn Programme. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(4), 37–46.



Research papers