The greening Veszprém, or how sustainability prevails in the European Capital of Culture, hypothetically to be reprised in 2073?


  • Gábor Michalkó University of Pannonia
  • Szilárd Horvát University of Pannonia
  • Beáta Fehérvölgyi University of Pannonia



sustainable development, tourism, semi-guided essay, content analysis, future studies


Considering the principles of sustainable development is the alpha and omega of most cultural,
gastronomic or sports events, especially so-called mega-events. Sustainability has played a key
role in Veszprém's application for the title of European Capital of Culture 2023 and its successful
completion. Visitors to the town, its residents, people working there or even students studying there
have experienced how the high ideals of sustainability are put into practice. Just as the European
Capital of Culture initiative is not for 365 days, the drive for sustainability does not end with the year.
The study is based on the assumption that Veszprém will be European Capital of Culture again in 2073
and that the representatives of today's Generation Z, namely second-year tourism and hospitality
students at the University of Pannonia, will travel to the site of their student days half a century later,
reporting on their experiences on their social networking sites. The 63 fictitious travel experience
reports provided an opportunity to explore the elements of experience comprising sustainability.
Using manual coding content analysis of the semi-guided essays, we seeking to answer the question
of how sustainability, learned in theory and experienced empirically, lives on in students' travel-related
fantasies. The study found that (1) both the idea and practice of sustainability will play a prominent role
in the travel experience 50 years from now, (2) the developments are grounded on today's innovations,
(3) Veszprém will become a greener and more liveable county seat than it is today.


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How to Cite

Michalkó, G., Horvát, S., & Fehérvölgyi, B. (2024). The greening Veszprém, or how sustainability prevails in the European Capital of Culture, hypothetically to be reprised in 2073?. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(4), 25–36.


