Culture reaches the place of residence – Spatial aspects of cultural consumption among the Hungarian population


  • Judit Sulyok University of Pannonia
  • Eszter Madarász University of Pannonia
  • Katalin Lőrincz University of Pannonia



cultural consumption, leisure activity, community factors, well-being, socio-demographic factors, spatial patterns


Today culture plays a key role both economically and socially, both in improving the quality of life of local
people and in meeting the expectations of temporary users and visitors. In addition to analysing sociodemographic and spatial characteristics, this study places cultural consumption in a tourism context,
examining whether cultural consumption takes place in or outside the usual living and working environment,
and how travel experiences influence cultural consumption and the evaluation of the cultural offer available
in the place of residence. Using a quantitative method on a representative sample in Hungary (January
2023), the study aims to provide insights into the impact of these variables on individual leisure activities
and well-being. The research findings indicate a strong correlation between socio-demographic and
territorial background, the importance and satisfaction of cultural assets and cultural consumption. The
study findings have important implications for academics, policymakers, cultural institutions and individuals
interested in improving their well-being through cultural consumption. The results highlight the need to
address socio-demographic and spatial disparities in promoting leisure activities.


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How to Cite

Sulyok, J., Madarász, E., & Lőrincz, K. (2024). Culture reaches the place of residence – Spatial aspects of cultural consumption among the Hungarian population. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(4), 12–24.


