Utilizing Budapest’s World Heritage Sites as sustainable tourism locations


  • Anett Tőzsér Hungarian Research Institute for National Strategy




world heritage, Budapest World Heritage Site, sustainable tourism, interpretation


Among the Hungarian UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the author places the examination of the Budapest World Heritage Sites at the center of her research. This focuses on how, and in what form the principles of sustainable tourism are realized at the World Heritage Sites in Budapest. To establish the basis for the examination of the above issues, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of the organizations responsible for the management of these sites. During the period of the analysis the gradual return to the pre-pandemic level of tourist traffic predicted that overtourism will return to World Heritage Sites. This could threaten the aspects of sustainability. In this situation, it is necessary to use effective visitor management tools – e.g. optimizing traffic patterns, using effective tools to present attractions and improving the quality of life of the population – which the surveyed World Heritage Sites in Budapest have initiated and have been taking serious steps to implement and organise.


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How to Cite

Tőzsér, A. (2024). Utilizing Budapest’s World Heritage Sites as sustainable tourism locations. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(3), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.14267/TURBULL.2024v24n3.6



Research papers