Travel through dynamic landscapes: Exploring key factors in developing visual identities for destination brands


  • Balázs Fekete Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Kitti Boros Corvinus University of Budapest



tourism planning, tourism destination image, destination branding, design communication, dynamic visual identity


The competitiveness of destinations is significantly shaped by innovation and experimentation, exemplified by applying Dynamic Visual Identities (DVI) in branding practices. This study aims to define the key factors most considered in developing destination brands with dynamic visual identities. Our research analysed 53 international cases in which designers employed dynamic visual strategies. Commitment, sustainability, and complexity factors were identified in our analysis.
Participation through DVI enables different stakeholder groups to be involved in the creative process, making the destination more attractive to visitors and residents also. This research offers a unique perspective in respect of the intersection of design communication (DIS:CO) and tourism.


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How to Cite

Fekete, B., & Boros, K. (2024). Travel through dynamic landscapes: Exploring key factors in developing visual identities for destination brands. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(3), 15–22.


