The smart hotel: Challenges and opportunities for collaboration relating to AI and the hotel industry


  • Levente Kökény Corvinus University of Budapest



artificial intelligence (AI), hotel industry, integration, risks and opportunities, customer experience


The study explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the hotel industry, with a particular focus on the potential to refine operational processes, significantly improve guest experience and make better use of human resources. For this review, 45 relevant sources were processed using a systematic literature review methodology. The findings of the research show that the integration of AI mostly adds value to the guest experience, in luxury hotels nevertheless it is more likely to be a complementary service that may change later for the following generations (Z
and alpha). However, the situation is different for non-luxury hotels, where human presence is less important to guests and, therefore, AI tools are easier to adopt. The research also indicates that, while AI offers promising opportunities for efficiency and innovation, there are legitimate concerns about preserving jobs, integration difficulties and customer acceptance of new technology.


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How to Cite

Kökény, L. (2024). The smart hotel: Challenges and opportunities for collaboration relating to AI and the hotel industry. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(3), 5–14.


