Examining the impact of cryptocurrency on the dynamics of tourism: legal insights from Spain, France, Croatia and the Netherlands


  • Viktória Kundi Széchenyi István University
  • Marcell Kupi Széchenyi István University
  • Tamás Szabó Széchenyi István University




cryptocurrencies, tourism, legal regulation, blockchain technology, smart contracts


The research analyses the impact of cryptocurrencies on tourism and examines how digital currency regulations affect the dynamics of the tourism sector. The aim is to explore the use of cryptocurrencies in tourism and the impact of legal regulations in Spain, France, Croatia and the Netherlands. The research methodology involves the application of clustering neural networks and data analysis techniques such as SOM and PCA. The data collection was carried out by scraping method, thus providing a detailed insight into the cryptocurrency acceptance points in the countries under study. The results highlight the growing impact of blockchain technologies on tourism, with EU legislation having a significant impact on digital transactions. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies are becoming increasingly important and are also governed by legislation. Further research into the relationship between tourism and digital technologies is important in the changing legal environment.


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How to Cite

Kundi, V., Kupi, M., & Szabó, T. (2024). Examining the impact of cryptocurrency on the dynamics of tourism: legal insights from Spain, France, Croatia and the Netherlands. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(2), 31–40. https://doi.org/10.14267/TURBULL.2024v24n2.4


