The lack of public toilets in Budapest and its impact on tourism


  • Dávid Nagy Budapest Business University
  • Tamás Egedy Budapest Business University



public toilets, restrooms, Budapest


Today, the issue of public toilets is one of the hidden but obvious challenges to tourism in big cities, including Budapest. Budapest does not perform well in international comparisons in terms of public toilets, even though their availability not only affects tourists’ daily lives during their stay, but can also influence their travel choice and possible return. Drawing on our analysis of secondary sources and the results of empirical primary surveys, we present a brief history of public toilets in Budapest, their situation, public and expert perception. We also make recommendations for rethinking and improving their capacity in the future.


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How to Cite

Nagy, D., & Egedy, T. (2024). The lack of public toilets in Budapest and its impact on tourism. Turizmus Bulletin, 24(2), 21–30.


