Trends in the awareness and tourism demand of Tusnádfürdő, with a special focus on the guest composition, marketing and management activities of Fortuna Eco Boutique Hotel


  • Viktória Balog Budapest Metropolitan University
  • Zsuzsanna Behringer Budapest Metropolitan University



Transylvania, Tusnádfürdő, destination and hotel marketing, spatourism


The present study examines the current tourism situation and future development opportunities of the Tusnádfürdő settlement in Transylvania, with a special focus on the management and marketing activities of the Fortuna Eco Boutique Hotel. Tusnádfürdő is an increasingly popular destination for Hungarian tourists, partly because of the annual „Tusványos” Bálványos Summer Free University and Student Camp. This is also due to its traditional spa, natural beauty, developing infrastructure, tourist attractions and to some other activities, provided by the area for both domestic and foreign visitors. The exploratory research was carried out through an online quantitative survey in two languages (Hungarian and Romanian). Qualitative interviews with the mayor of Tusnádfürdő and the owner-manager of the Fortuna Eco Boutique Hotel were undertaken. All of these explored the current situation and tried to respond to the future challenges of both the municipality and the hotel.


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How to Cite

Balog, V., & Behringer, Z. (2023). Trends in the awareness and tourism demand of Tusnádfürdő, with a special focus on the guest composition, marketing and management activities of Fortuna Eco Boutique Hotel. Turizmus Bulletin, 23(4), 48–57.


