An analysis of attitudes towards domestic music festivals among the members of Generation Z


  • Dominika Sára Kovács Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Kitti Boros Corvinus University of Budapest



events industry, festival tourism, Generation Z, visitor motivation


Festivals are becoming ever more popular, particularly music festivals, which have seen significant changes during the last two decades. Based on the visitors, it can be stated that these events are primarily attended by the younger generation. Consequently, the purpose of this study is to analyse the attitudes of Generation Z towards music festivals. Focus group interviews were conducted as part of a qualitative study to learn more about the target group’s perspectives. The participants were divided into three groups based on the frequency of their attendance. The findings of primary research suggest that for young people, the performers, the company, and the experience are the key motivators for attending a festival, whereas high prices, crowds and a lack of company limit their willingness to attend the events. The study concludes with practical suggestions that festival organisers might use to reach out to potential audiences in the future.


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How to Cite

Kovács, D. S., & Boros, K. (2023). An analysis of attitudes towards domestic music festivals among the members of Generation Z. Turizmus Bulletin, 23(4), 24–31.


