Changes in tourism mobility in the Covid19-pandemic and the post-pandemic period in terms of transport mode and destination choice
travel preferences, destination choice, mobility, post-pandemic, economic recessionAbstract
The relationship between tourism and mobility is strongly shaped by health safety and the economic and social impact of the war. Our empirical research investigated these factors through an online questionnaire survey within the Hungarian population. A comparative statistical analysis was used to investigate the evolution of travel patterns and tourism mobility based on trips undertaken in 2021, 2022 and planned for 2023. The results show that, despite the closures and restrictions, wanderlust has not decreased. However, there has been a marked change in customer decisions, mainly in terms of the geographical distance of the chosen destination, its safety and the means of transport used to get there. This has been further exacerbated by the dramatic price increases caused by the Russian-Ukrainian war, with economizing and cost optimization being prioritized in decision making. This has resulted in much more restrained tourism mobility for the subjects’ travel plans in 2023.
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