The impact of self-driving vehicles on tourism from Hungarian experts’ perspective


  • Katalin Ásványi Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Márk Miskolczi Corvinus University of Budapest
  • László Kökény Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Melinda Jászberényi Corvinus University of Budapest



highly automated vehicles, tourism development, Q methodology, attitudes of tourism experts


The spread of highly automated vehicles could change the mobility options for tourism remarkably. The following research aims to systematize the expected impact of automation on tourism and to explore how experts in different areas of tourism see the technological developments ahead. The opinions of the tourism experts (n=21) were analysed using the Q-method. Based on the results, four groups  were  identified.  An  optimistic,  technology-oriented  group  of  experts  considers  that  self-driving vehicle sightseeing could emerge as a niche service in the near future. A slow-developing, accessibility-focused group of experts stressed that the uptake of self-driving vehicles could improve accessibility  to  infrastructurally  advanced  destinations. A  mobility-service-oriented  group  argues that the use of self-driving vehicles may become commonplace for mobility, but that their impact on other tourism services will be marginal. Because of the potential negative impacts, a skeptical group of experts believes that self-driving vehicles will not become widespread in tourism. The clustering of tourism experts’ attitudes could help to prepare future tourism development strategies.


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How to Cite

Ásványi, K., Miskolczi, M., Kökény, L., & Jászberényi, M. (2023). The impact of self-driving vehicles on tourism from Hungarian experts’ perspective. Turizmus Bulletin, 23(3), 5–14.


