Is it better if local? – The role of the short supply chain of local ingredients in the Hungarian rural hospitality system


  • Bence Csapody Corvinus University of Budapest



short supply chain, local products, hospitality, restaurants, suppliers


In this article the role of seasonal and local products is first analyzed in the hospitality ecosystems, from the perspective of producers and restaurants, based on academic literature published recently. Then the characteristics of interview research methodology are presented. Showcasing the results of this research may offer an answer to the question of what role local ingredients play in the Hungarian rural hospitality system today. The aim of the research is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the use of local products in restaurants, as well as to point out possible limitations by outlining them for the professional and academic community in order to make short value chains work more efficiently.


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Internetes források

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How to Cite

Csapody, B. (2023). Is it better if local? – The role of the short supply chain of local ingredients in the Hungarian rural hospitality system. Turizmus Bulletin, 23(2), 14–23.


