Fundamental accessibility and technical accessibility in the dimensions of existence in travels – the meeting of two worlds leading to a paradigm shift


  • Jácint Farkas Corvinus University of Budapest
  • Zoltán Raffay University of Pécs
  • Lóránt Dénes Dávid John von Neumann University



philosophy, existential disability, functional accessibility, technical accessibility, accessible tourism


More and more studies are published nowadays on the diverse relationship between accessibility and tourism – at least tourism researchers are showing interests in the examination of the different aspects of accessibility. Service providers, however, still have much room for development in this respect. It is sad the examinations mentioned practically totally neglect both the (need of the) definition of accessibility from a philosophical perspective, so evidently its applicability in practice, and its empirically justifiable positive impacts are not discussed, either, though in the authors’ view it is a prerequisite for the realisation of traveller’s life rich in good and independent experiences. Little is said about the philosophy of accessibility which, in the authors’ opinion, is a prerequisite for the achieving adequate accessibility.


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How to Cite

Farkas, J., Raffay, Z., & Dávid, L. D. (2022). Fundamental accessibility and technical accessibility in the dimensions of existence in travels – the meeting of two worlds leading to a paradigm shift. Turizmus Bulletin, 22(4), 46–54.


