The synergy of theatre and tourism – a new opportunity in cultural tourism
theatre, tourism, cultural tourism, theatre tourismAbstract
Our present research was based on two topics. Firstly, we examined whether points of connection between theatre and tourism can be detected. We conducted three in-depth interviews with experts relevant to the topic, both from the theatre and from the tourism, and as a secondary source, we scrutinized the data of a survey commissioned by the Szeged Outdoor Games and Festival Organizer Nonprofit Kft. Secondly, we sought to answer the question of whether there is a raison d’être to organize theatre-themed trips, whether we can talk about theatre tourism as an independent niche product. Using a questionnaire method, we conducted research among the frequent travellers of the most important Hungarian cultural travel agency, and, in addition, we in-depth interviewed the manager of a travel agency that organizes thematic trips. The relationship between theatre and tourism, and how they interact, is not an exploited area of research. Our study attempts to shed light on the meeting point of these two dimensions, and their synergies. According to our research results, there is a significant relationship between theatre and tourism. Both from a professional point of view and on the basis of consumer feedback, it is worth devoting more attention to the touristic products created as a result of the meeting of theatre and tourism.
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