An assessment of greenway development opportunities on abandoned railway lines in the Northern Hungary region
greenway, abandoned railway line, Northern Hungary, tourism development, foundational studiesAbstract
There are 966 km of railway lines in the regions of Northern Hungary. In fact, following the period of political regime change, 20% of the track and track systems, almost 200 km, were closed or abandoned. The aim of this research is to evaluate the abandoned railway lines of the region on the basis of landscape architecture, landscape aesthetics, but mainly focusing on the development potential of the green road, which compensates for the deficiencies of traffic and green space. Based on the results of our wide-ranging study, there is an abandoned or long-term traffic suspension line that meets all the criteria which we laid down during the suitability assessment. Therefore, our further study area analysis, which can foster the developments, were carried out on the most suitable 21 km-long Diósjenő-Rétság-Bánk-Romhány line in Nógrád country.
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