The role of academic service quality and acculturation in Hungarian educational tourism


  • Attila Mucsi Corvinus University of Budapest



educational tourism, international students, academic service quality, acculturation


Over the last decade Hungary has become a significant destination for educational tourism in Central Europe. However, in order to maintain that growth, one should keep in mind the needs of international students. This research investigated the most important academic service quality factors and the
extent to which the acculturation strategy of international students influenced the academic service quality during the 2020 pandemic. The research was conducted with 20 international students and the in-depth interviews were subject to thematic content analysis. The professional knowledge, the
hands-on working experience, helpfulness of educators and the speed of transitioning into online education are key academic service quality factors for international students. Students striving for cultural integration were largely more satisfied with the academic service quality than those who decided to choose the assimilation acculturation strategy, or to be separated from their fellow students.


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How to Cite

Mucsi, A. (2022). The role of academic service quality and acculturation in Hungarian educational tourism. Turizmus Bulletin, 22(3), 23–31.


