Chinese VFR Tourism in Budapest: Hosts and Guests
visiting friends and relatives, VFR tourism, VFR host, host-guest relationship, Chinese VFR, Chinese migrationAbstract
Over the last few years, there has been a dynamic growth of Chinese tourism in the Central and Eastern European region, in which Hungary has become significant. The biggest Asian ethnic group in Hungary is the Chinese, being also involved in maintaining VFR tourism. In order to learn the role of the Chinese diaspora living in Hungary in VFR tourism, we used an online questionnaire (N = 202) among the Chinese community. The research results support that the migration of Chinese arriving in Hungary is closely connected to VFR tourism. The Chinese VFR host plays a key role in travel (hospitality, tour guide approach), where immigrants settled in Hungary before EU accession (2004) take a more active role in generating tourims demand in Hungary. This article is based on the research results of the author’s Master thesis on tourism management at the Corvinus University of Budapest.
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