The current state of beer culture and tourism in Munich – a critical review of the Hofbräuhaus after the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic


  • Zsófia Falvi Kodolányi János University
  • Balázs Füreder Kodolányi János University



Munich, Germany, gastronomy, beer tourism, Covid19 pandemic


Bavarians love their traditions, they respect and cherish them. They show the same humility towards all aspects of their culture, including gastronomy. As do Hungarians the Bavarians love good food and drink, and they are particularly proud of their beer. The best way to experience Bavarian gastronomy in Munich is to visit a classical beer house, the Hofbräuhaus. The year 2020 did not go according to plan due to the coronavirus. During both the first and second waves, restaurants in Munich were forced to close down for several weeks and life did not return to normal after the difficult days. As a result of our research, we would like to describe the situation of beer culture and tourism in Munich in the months following the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic, using the example of the Hofbräuhaus.


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How to Cite

Falvi, Z., & Füreder, B. (2022). The current state of beer culture and tourism in Munich – a critical review of the Hofbräuhaus after the first wave of the Covid19 pandemic. Turizmus Bulletin, 22(2), 37–45.


