Tourism and resilience


  • Tibor Gonda University of Pécs



resilience, sustainable development, shock effect, host area


The study interprets the concept of resilience, which is used nowadays in more and more fields of science, and views it in the context of tourism. The interdisciplinary nature of the concept and its meaning in the various disciplines are presented. Domestic tourism research does not yet deal with the issue in sufficient depth, and the term resilience appears only in a few studies in the international literature on tourism. Examining the domestic and international literature, it can be concluded
that bringing the issue of resilience to the fore is in line with the failure to pursue sustainable development. Tourism, as one of the most dynamically developing economic sectors in the world, is largely responsible for the breakdown of sustainability. Some destinations have become so popular that the phenomenon of over-tourism has developed, which, as we have seen, can cause serious damage to the social and natural environment of the host area. However, in connection with the examination of the effects on the natural and social spheres of a host area, analysing the resilience and defences of the given destination, the issue of resilience will come to the fore more and more often in the following period.


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How to Cite

Gonda, T. (2022). Tourism and resilience. Turizmus Bulletin, 22(2), 27–36.


