The COVID-19 pandemic and discouraged borrowers among Hungarian companies


  • Zsolt Szabó Hungarian Development Bank



discouraged borrowers, latent demand for credit, COVID pandemic, corporate behaviour, C12, D22, D91, E71, G14, G33, G41, O16


An increasing attention has been paid since the millennium to companies who have loan demand but are afraid of refusal. The self-rationing of loan demand is also affected by the coronavirus pandemic according to the economic literature, however, there are only a few empirical studies regarding this topic. Based on the corporate surveys of the Hungarian Development Bank (MFB-INDIKÁTOR) we analyse that to what extent and to which direction did the latent loan demand of the Hungarian companies change as a consequence of the pandemic, which corporate segments reacted more sensitively to the crisis, and whether there is a measurable effect of the negative perception towards the banks to the lending decisions of the companies. On the basis of the results of cross-tabulation analyses the pandemic moderated the fear of loan application only temporarily; the behaviour of older firms, larger companies and the agricultural sector can be considered relatively stable regarding this issue; finally the role of the experiences and in many cases the negative preconceptions about the banks having a long history together play important roles in self-restraint.


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How to Cite

Szabó, Z. (2023). The COVID-19 pandemic and discouraged borrowers among Hungarian companies. Public Finance Quarterly, 69(4), 45–61.


