Groupism and the Gallop: Non-state nation branding in the Székelyföld


  • Rebecca McKeown Corvinus University in Budapest



This article outlines a framework for understanding the non-state nation in a way that is distinct from the existing Nations and Nationalism literature as well as the contemporary Nation Branding scholarship. It argues that minority national groups can be seen both as if they were brands, and also as groups which collectively construct and pursue nationbranding. It explores brand identity, strategy, agents, communication, equity and architecture as lenses via which national identification and groupness can be deconstructed and understood. The article draws on observations made at one specific national event – the Székely Vágta (Szekler Gallop) – as a means of illustrating its theoretical premise.




How to Cite

McKeown, R. (2017) “Groupism and the Gallop: Non-state nation branding in the Székelyföld”, Corvinus Journal of International Affairs, 2(1). doi: 10.14267/cojourn.2017v2n1a1.