The Syrian refugee crisis reconsidered: The role of the EU-Turkey Agreement


  • László Csicsmann Corvinus University of Budapest


The aim of the article is to analyse the roots of the current refugee crisis in Syria. The author argues that the most effective way to solve the crisis can only be to re-establish order and stability in Syria and Iraq. However, even with the most recent international attempts to bring the different Syrian actors to engage in proximity talks, re-establishing order in Syria will not be possible in the short term for the international community. Therefore more attention is needed to address the refugee crisis in the neighbouring countries. Due to its geographical location Turkey is the most important host and transit country for Syrian and other migrants. Turkey lacks the appropriate legal system and infrastructure to handle the situation. The author argues that the international community must make a greater effort to provide the refugees with basic necessities. The EU-Turkey agreement is an important step forward, but it lacks a truly comprehensive approach to solve the crisis. Turkey’s foreign policy toward Syria further complicates the challenge arising from the Syrian crisis.




How to Cite

Csicsmann, L. (2017) “The Syrian refugee crisis reconsidered: The role of the EU-Turkey Agreement”, Corvinus Journal of International Affairs, 1(1), pp. 83–98. Available at: (Accessed: 30 March 2025).